Let me explain you why H.O.M.E.
Heart means much more than a blood bombing muscle in Philippines. The way Filipinos approach and treat you, their open-eyed look at you and the shining smile they dedicate to you prove this by far. The majority of them are not just polite or friendly to the tourist but also have a pure and sincere denotation when they try to help you, answer your query or simply enjoy a chat with you. Naturally, you can also meet people who try to cheat you but the majority of them are trustable and extremely helpful. They appreciate you take a picture or try to bubble thanks in tagalo and will assist you the best they can. Filipinos are also very curious but you will never confuse this with lack of respect or similar despite they will ask for you nationality, age or family at first.
Outstanding landscapes will complete this picture. A scenario filled of white sand beaches, turquoise sea water, green palm tree fields, depopulated islands, divers’ dreamed bays and gracious paths. Getting lost in a deserted island became an incredible experience. Additionally, a strange metamorphosis seems to happen here. Indeed, you will hardly find many countries where Nature and Biology seem to melt together as in Philippines. The gentle sun successes in coloring the Filipinos skin, the sea waves seem to inspire the shape of the lips, their half West half East style eyes hide a tropical captivating magnetism and the warm weather simply lends his adjective to the atmosphere they created around you.
Many similarities with the Spanish language are found in the Filipino idiom. Where else in the world –apart from the Spanish speaking nations- would you take your “caldo” with a “cuchara”, eat “longaniza” with a “tenedor”, drink a “San Miguel” beer, take the bus on “viernes a las tres”, became a “pasajero” at the “barco”, pay “cuarenta pesos” for your “botella”, open a “ventana” with a “llave”, meet for “nochebuena” or can a bald like me be called “kalbo”? Despite you will not understand tagalo language, if you know some Spanish, you will be able to pick up some words as it uses Spanish and English terms which have suffered no alteration at all. Thus the conversation is something like: bla.bla… viernes tres de abril a las dos…. Bla.bla …. The operation manager… bla.bla… two hundred pesos… bla.bla… chorizo y longaniza. Apart from this amusing matter, English knowledge is widely extended among the population so your English will take you anywhere you need easily. This turns into a very useful tool within the tourism sector in comparison to other countries like China or Japan. Spanish and USA heritage used at its best. Spanish legacy can also be observed in churches, city layouts and households.
Entertainment will not find a better location to spread out its definition that along the 7.107 island of this archipelago. Should you like diving, golfing, partying, snorkeling, trekking, music or festivals, nice facilities, nature kingdoms and a wide agenda of cultural festivals and “ferias” awaits you in Philippines. The latino&tropical Filipino gens will do the rest. Laugh, music, dancing, parades, karaokes and amusement are guaranteed all year long. Boracay, White Beach or Danyagang Festival 2012 in Iloilo represented good examples of this where I could enjoy traditional music and dancing parades, gastronomic markets, live music on the street, different aside activities and observed how Filipinos enjoy partying by taking part on these events, getting accordingly dressed and made up, decorating streets with enormous speakers and welcoming you to enjoy with them.
These are the reasons why you feel like at HOME in Philippines. Nevertheless, this is not all. Yet there is an upper level you can experience there. In fact, Mathematics fails to be exact in this country. H+O+M+E does not just turn into HOME. A kind of Alchemy takes place subsequently;
- open Hearts extends into open Houses;
- the Outstanding scenario jumps into an Overwhelming environment;
- the Many Spanish similarities that amuse you will turn into unforgettable Memories that overpass you;
- and the Entertainment spreads out in Every single minute of your stay here.
The list of facts to sustain this will easily reach the edge of infinity. Familia Sarillo just made me feel like one more member of the family during my week with them. No matter whether I stayed, ate or slept there or not, I always had nice company and chats, an endless plate full of delicious food and a bed waiting. They let me join them in their daily live whereas cooking, shopping, playing basketball or tennis, washing, chatting, working or just hanging around together. Weng, the family’s ambassador, managed to gain time to show me around, pick me up at the hotel, look after me and make me feel soooo good, and always with a smile in her face. The rest of her hosting team - mummy, brother, sister, nephew and house helper- successfully accompanied her in making my goodbye one of the saddest moment of my whole trip. Nody nicely shared with me not only her party side and her friends but also her private island and some hidden secrets. Shaun always went an extra mile to make everybody happy and glad to attend the Iloilo meeting. Joanne offered her house from the very first minute till the last one along with her best mood and warm tenderness. Gerry impressed me with his human-touch stories and his smiles. Riza brought light and amusement so naturally.
All of these Alchemists plus some other Magicians turned my stay in Philippines into one of the most enjoyable days of my seven months journey. To all of you: SALAMAT.
I saw? = Iloilo, Guimaras Island, Antique, Boracay, Puerto Galera, Manila.
I slept? = Hosted by CS Filipino familia Sarillo, cheap hotels, guesthouse, beach cottage, couch, airport floor and on the beach.
I ate? = Different Sisigs, Pantat, Adobo, Chicharron, Chorizo, Satay, Barchoy, Pan de sal, Lecheflan, several Caldos, Balut (duck egg) and national beer San Miguel
I met? = The Couch Surfing group in Iloilo, some other Filipinos and visitors from Austria, Slovenia, Canada, Indonesia, France, Switzerland, Germany, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Portugal and others.
Troubles? = I was not accepted to fly from Singapore as expected and had to spend hours booking flights to get in and out of Philippines. I had to sleep at the Singapore and Manila airports’ floor for two nights in a row.
Like most? = The people. They are so friendly and warm. The landscape and environment are breathtaking. Danyagang Festival. The white sanded islands. Boracay. The language. Their passion for basketball.
Disliked most? = They invent a wide variety of airport, environment, harbour, terminal and on and on taxes. Not big amount, though.
Transport means? = Bus (100 km), taxi (20), jeep (80), catamaran, boat, ferry (90 for the last three), car (130), moto-taxi (5), minivan (181) plus flights.
Side they drive? = Right hand side.
My Prices? = Hotel room: 10 € a night. Guesthouse: 3.5 €. Bus ticket: 4 € (130 km). Food: 1-2 € on the street 5-7 € for restaurant. Bottle of water: 0,3 €. Petrol: 1 euro/l.
Bric-a-brac? = The language becomes really funny. Also, Philipinos love basketball and you find basket boards not only in schools or parks but also besides along roads (so they can take advantage of the tarmac), near churches, in open fields. They like betting too. Likewise other places in Asia, quite a few ladyboys.
Que bonito todo lo que cuentas de los filipinos y su hospitalidad!!! tienen que ser maravillosas esas islas y esas playas...
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